Your Name

Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.

Your Gender

Please choose an option.


Please enter the first line of your address.
Please fill in your city.
Please fill in your post code.
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter your contact number.

Preferences and Interests

Chimera Recruitment currently operates in multiple cities across England, please select which regions would be of interest to you:

Please choose at least one location.

Main interests - Where would you most like to be placed if hired?

Please choose at least one area of interest.

Tell us about yourself. What's the reason you're applying? Sell yourself; we like sellers!

Please tell us a bit about yourself.

Who Told You About Us?

Did a friend or current staff member tell you about us? What's their name?

Photo and CV / Resume

Please add a photo of yourself.

Please upload a photograph of your head and shoulders. A Headshot would be ideal but it doesn't need to be professional. Max Filesize is 10mb. Use Picresize to easily make your picture smaller if you need to.

Max. file size: 10 MB.
Please add your CV / resume.

Please upload a copy of your CV or Resume. This should be in Word (.doc, .docx) or PDF format. Must be smaller than 5MB.

Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 5 MB.

The legal bits

Please tick this box to confirm that you are over 18 years of age.
Please tick this box to agree to our Privacy Policy.